Web Support & Maintenance
It's like having your own personal Webmaster on call
Web Support and Maintenance
Plans & Pricing
Grow your business without breaking the bank
Best for informational websites
($75 per hour)
- 4 hours per month includes:
- Maintenance Package
- Content updates
- Design updates
- Add/Remove web pages
- Posting blog articles
- E-commerce product edits
Best for affiliate and blog websites
($60 per hour)
- 8 hours per month includes:
- Maintenance Package
- Content updates
- Design updates
- Add/Remove web pages
- Posting blog articles
- E-commerce product edits
Best for E-Commerce websites
($50 per hour)
- 16 hours per month includes:
- Maintenance Package
- Content updates
- Design updates
- Add/Remove web pages
- Posting blog articles
- E-commerce product edits
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 hour packages available.
Deep discounts for monthly and annual subscriptions.
(1) Software updates are made once available and tested, (2) If a site requires restoration, it will be restored with the latest available backup, (3) Hours do not carry over from month-to-month.